Thursday 5 May 2011

Naturopath, Continued

I had another follow-up with my Naturopathic Physician yesterday. Pretty much all good news again, lots of healing happening according to his electro-gizmo. A couple of surprises though--cortisol was high (indicating some stress)--I haven't felt too stressed lately (hmm, except for Monday at work maybe--how long does cortisol hang around after a stressful event?). Also glucogon was high, indicating I've been eating too much protein! This is surprising because all along I've been having trouble digesting protein--so I've been eating lots to compensate for that, I guess. Although honestly I don't think I was eating excessive amounts. So, I will cut back a little there and add more veggies if I can, and I always enjoy carbs too because they give me lots of energy.

Dr. E. also checked my food sensitivities. As he had predicted three months ago, I have improved to the point where I'm no longer sensitive to many foods. Once again I can eat spelt, chicken, oranges, tomatoes, peppers, and curry. A few of the foods that I must continue to stay away from include wheat, pork, alcohol, peanuts, and cow's milk products (although butter is now okay). These may or may not improve in the course of my intestinal healing and I will find out about that in another 3 months.

I have indeed felt better than ever these last couple of months, with the odd 'tired' day thrown in, seemingly randomly. Keeping busy with work definitely helps; perhaps there is an element of adrenaline there, with having something important to do. Sitting at home with a grumpy 2 year old can be tiring sometimes. :)


Orange Carrot said...

Ahhh! Don't eat me! Ahhhhhhhhh


The Grumpy Two Year Old said...

Look here, who's calling who grumpy?