Saturday 10 December 2016


I really missed snow in Zambia. Hot Christmases just weren't the same! (Same with growing up in Ecuador...I'm very snow-deprived.) We had a treat here on the 'Wet Coast' with a good cold snap this week, and a decent snow over the last couple of days. This morning I took the kids outside to play while I shoveled the sidewalk in front of our co-op with a board.

Then this afternoon I took the kids skating. It was Kate's 3rd time (the last time was about 4 years ago) and Malachi's 1st time, and they did okay, although it will take a lot more practice to be steady on their feet.

I'm just feeling blessed to enjoy this "winter wonderland." I know the feeling may not last...and not everyone around me is quite as excited as me...but it is beautiful!

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