Tuesday, 30 September 2014

One Day in Africa

Here is the maiden performance of my first homemade guitar.

One day in Africa

Hope life and hospitality everywhere you go
So many barriers
actually working
trying to accomplish
you might forget
keep in mind, This Is Africa

You may come to change the world
The world is bigger
You may find yourself changed first

Greet a stranger on the road
Dogs and roosters fade into subconsciousness
Every shopkeeper's friend, boss, same time

Feel the rain
Feel the heat
Feel the cold
Feel the beat
Breathe the dust
Smell the sky
Scuff the dirt
You're alive

One day in Africa

(c) 2014 Andrew Christopher Potts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome! good to see you and the kids in this video! i'll have to show rayden & callie tomorrow :)